
We've got the industry's best video library

At Touché, we can't stand “fluff,” meaningless information that has nothing to do with solving problems. For this reason, we have developed this video library specifically designed to help you identify the question and quickly find the answer. So, whether you are a specifier, a contractor, a sales agent, or an end user, these videos are organized in series’ to answer your questions – step-by-step.
Learn the ins and outs of our library
SmartPack vs Room Manager Comparison
SmartPack or Room Manager
One Common APP
Common Uses for the SmartPack or the Room Manager
Daylight Harvesting
Plug Load Control
Occupancy vs Vacancy Control
Scene vs Zone Control
Applications that Require the Room Manager
System Scheduling
System Integration
What is Emergency Lighting (UL924) Control?
What is Emergency Lighting?
UL924 Emergency Shunt Control Using Touche Controls
What is Daylight Harvesting?
What is Daylight Harvesting?
How does Touche do daylight harvesting?
What is Plug Load Control?
What is plugload Control?
How Touche Does Plugload Control
What is AV Integration?
How Touche Does AV Integration
What is Motorized Shade Integration?
What is Shade Integration
How to Integrate Motorized Shades with Touche
What is BACnet Integration?
What is BACnet?
How is BACnet used with the Touche lighting control solution?

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Person wearing a ring using a laptop