Agent dashboard updates
At Touché, our development team is tirelessly working to give you the best features for your Agent dashboard. Over the past few weeks, we made significant updates to our “Quotes” tool, adding the following features: Import Components from BlueBeam button, a Services Calculator, and Generate Data Sheet functionality to your digital portal. Here is a summary of these updates:
Import Components from BlueBeam
First, let’s talk about our most notable update, the Import Components feature. This feature allows you to import, from an exported CSV file, a component from a BlueBeam layout using the Touché tool chest. To begin, lay out your project using the Touché BlueBeam tool chest. Then export the counts from BlueBeam to a CSV file. Then start a new quote and click on the Import Components button. Once selected, choose the appropriate CSV file, and click Upload. From there, you will have two categories, Unrecognized and Recognized Components.

Unrecognized Components are BlueBeam “markups” that the quoting tool did not recognize. An example might be a test box you added to your drawing. If the “markup” really is a component but a component using an old part number, you can convert the unrecognized component to a recognized one. All recognized components are automatically converted to BOM items. At this point, you only need to select the Add Recognized Components to Quote button to complete the import. Try it and see how easy it is, and as always, call us if you need help with your first imported quote.
Services Calculator
We understand that providing a Services Amount to your quote is important. Therefore, we added this feature to our edit quotes section. Once you have included all components in your quote, click the calculator icon next to the Services Amount field. A modal will appear. Simply type in the Days (Use), Sell Amount Per Day (your dollar amount per day), and the Service Amount will automatically be totaled and included in your quote.

One additional feature with this tool: to the left is a notes field highlighting service details in the quote. This field is included to save notes about how you intend to perform the services or how you came up with the cost amount.
Generate Data Sheet

Once you have the required components in your BOM, you can generate a “data sheets set” that you can include with your quote. With this new feature, we couldn’t have made this process any simpler. First, you must click the Save Quote button and then click on the “Generate Data Sheet” icon or text. Once clicked, all component data sheets are compiled into a single file and downloaded to your computer. The order of these data sheets is organized by component function. For example, the controllers (SP and RM) are grouped, followed by the switches and the sensors.
At Touché, we are constantly refining your digital toolbox. Stay-tuned for further updates, and we will continue to update your agent portal.